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Trichocereus nigripilis / Trichocereus spinibarbis (Echinopsis)

Trichocereus nigripilis / Trichocereus spinibarbis (Echinopsis)   Trichocereus nigripilis / Trichocereus spinibarbis is a Chilean Trichocereus species. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the name. According to Ritter, the plant was synonymous with a plant called Cereus spinibarbis Otto, which is why he described it as Trichocereus spinibarbis. These days, Trichocereus nigripilis is not an…

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Trichocereus carmaguensis KK1414 (Echinopsis camarguensis)

Trichocereus camarguensis

This is a very typical collection of Trichocereus camarguensis from Karel Knize. He assigned the collection number Trichocereus KK1414 for a collection site in Camargo, Bolivia, where this plant originally comes from. The main database page for Trichocereus camarguensis can be found below. I don´t know how much variation is within this local population…

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KK340 Trichocereus cuzcoensis (Echinopsis)

KK340 Trichocereus cuzcoensis (Echinopsis) KK340 Trichocereus cuzcoensis is a wild strain collected by Karel Knize. Knize´s numbers stand for regions instead of mother plants, which is why there are various different plants with this field number and not all are the same species. Most ended up to be Trichocereus cuzcoensis, but the photos show that…

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