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KK336 Trichocereus glaucus – Echinopsis glauca

I am totally not sure if Knize´s Trichocereus glaucus is actually the same plant that Friedrich Ritter described as Trichocereus glaucus. Here is what I have about Knize´s KK336. He sold the plant for a very long time and collected them at various sites. The first one was sold through Knize 1999 seed list and…

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Trichocereus schickendantzii (Echinopsis schickendantzii)

Trichocereus schickendantzii (Echinopsis) was originally described by Britton & Rose in their book THE CACTACEAE, which was published in 1920. The plants grow in large clusters, in which they are pupping abundantly from the base! They can get up to 40-50 Centimeters, though they usually stay around 30. They have a diameter of 5-8 centimeters…

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Trichocereus crassiarboreus (NN)

Trichocereus crassiarboreus is a plant that was discovered by Friedrich Ritter in 1957. When he found flowering specimens in 1964, he moved the species to Weberbauerocereus. I am not a specialist on Weberbauerocereus but I trust Ritters Experience on that ID. The species was later published by Karel Knize under the name Weberbauerocereus crassiarboreus but…

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