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Lobivia densispina Hybrid / Echinopsis densispina

Here´s another video from my 2020, while I was really sick and trying to get myself together to pollinate all the flowers that opened up simultaneously. It was just too much to do for one person, and I was feeling terrible too. The good thing is I still pulled through and filmed some really nice…

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Cactus Multihybrid (Goldrose x Duett x Dagati) KA.2010.255.05

Goldrose x Duett x Dagati KA.2010.255.05

This one is a fabulous intergeneric multihybrid involving THREE different genera. And the flower is great too, with the yellow throat and the white petals. KA.2010.255.5 (Goldrose x Duett) x Dagati. Hybrids with such a yellow throat are really sought after and I was really happy to get it from the breeder Uwe Kahle. It’s…

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