Other Cacti from the Sacred Succulents Field Trips
Hi Guys, in this post I will show you some of the other cacti from the Sacred Succulents Field trips. The copyright of all those pics is: Ben Kamm, Sacredsucculents.com
BK08530.1 Mahueniopsis boliviana, Tambillo, Bolivia
This majestic Mahueniopsis is from Bolivia. Sacred Succulents gave away seeds of that plant, which was visited during the 2008 Sacred Succulent Field Trip
Haageocereus sp, Matucana, Peru
This very nice Haageocereus grows in Matucana, which is the home of many amazing Trichocereus species as well. There were no seed collected from that species.
BK09508.4 Borzicactus fieldianus, Chavin, Ancash, Peru
This interesting Borzicactus is definitely a Trichocereus Lookalike that you should have seen. At first, it looked a little big like a Rauhocereus but the strong segmented areoles are a lot more dominant than on other Rauhocereus species. This plant was visited during the 2009 Field Trips! Copyright: Ben Kamm
Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010
Have a look at this barely visible cactus in between rocks and dead plants. That´s a pretty typical Rebutia population and it gives you a better understanding why cacti are sometimes so hard to find. I am pretty sure that there still are a lot of new species out there to be discovered, that are just not visible enough to be found. There were no seeds collection from those plants.
Lobivia sp, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010
Cereus sp, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010
Echinopsis sp, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Neoraimondia herzogiana, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010
Neoraimondia herzogiana, circa Aquile, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Harrisia, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Opuntioid, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia
BK10508.3 Harrisia tetracantha, Tiatako, Cochabamba, Bolivia
BK10506.1 Cleistocactus buchtienii, Cerro San Pedro, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Echinopsis sp, Cerro San Pedro, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Harrisia tetracantha, Cerro San Pedro, Cochabamba, Bolivia
BK08602.2 Lobivia sp. Isla del Sol, Bolivia
Oreocereus psuedofossulatus, Bolivia (N. Logan)
Haageocereus, Vilcabamba, Ecuador (N. Logan)
Matucana haynei, Matucana, Peru
BK08611.3 Haageocereus tenuis, Jardin Botanico, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru
BK08611.1 Cleistocactus xylorhizus, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru
BK08606.3 Cleistocactus sp. Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia
BK08606.6 Yungasocereus inquisivensis, Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia
BK08521.10 Corryocactus erectus
Echinopsis bridgesii, Huachjilla, Bolivia
BK08520.4 Austrocylindropuntia floccosa & BK08520.1 Festuca Taucca, Peru
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