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TPQC (Trichocereus peruvianus Quasi Cristata)

TPQC, TPQC (Trichocereus peruvianus Quasi Cristata), - Cactus Seeds & Books!

TPQC is another clone from SAB member Nitrogen. The ID of the species changed repeatedly in the past, but it is probably a Trichocereus peruvianus. It developed crested growth after an injury, but is generally not a crested clone and I have never seen one of the cuts revert back to crested growth. It is probably best to consider it a normal clone of Trichocereus peruvianus.

Photos of TPQC (Trichocereus peruvianus Quasi Cristata)

TPQC (Trichocereus peruvianus Quasi Cristata)
TPQC (Trichocereus peruvianus Quasi Cristata)