Trichocereus bridgesii cv. Melty Crest The Melty Crest Bridgesii (sic) is a clone that goes around since a couple of years and most likely originated from some of the european professional Growers who sow out insane numbers of seed to get a very high number of mutants. Clones of this one were sold for over…
Tag: crest
TPQC (Trichocereus peruvianus Quasi Cristata)
TPQC is another clone from SAB member Nitrogen. The ID of the species changed repeatedly in the past, but it is probably a Trichocereus peruvianus. It developed crested growth after an injury, but is generally not a crested clone and I have never seen one of the cuts revert back to crested growth. It is…
Nitrogen´s TPC (Trichocereus cristata / crest)
Nitrogen´s Trichocereus TPC, not to be confused with Nitrogen´s TPM, is a mutant version of a Trichocereus peruvianus or Trichocereus pachanoi that became known in the Trichocereus community after the US breeder Nitrogen has produced quite a few hybrids involving it. This resulted in a large number of mutant offspring that Nitrogen donated during his…