This amazing Trichocereus Australia collection can be found in a private garden in Australia. We were given the chance to show this beautiful collection here on our site and I am proud to have it. All photos: Simon Maddern
Trichocereus huarazensis is a columnar cactus from Huaraz in Peru. It is not an official species and it is a commercial variety of Trichocereus pachanoi that goes back to Karel Knize. Knize sold seeds and plants from a wild population in Huaraz. A Trichocereus grower in the United States obtained a cutting from Mr. Knize,…
Trichocereus macrogonus, also known as Echinopsis macrogona, is a columnar cactus. The first description about it was made using the name Cereus macrogonus SD. Cact. Hort. Dyck.Cult. Currently valid name name: Echinopsis macrogona, the name is disputed by some authors and re-described as Trichocereus macrogonus by others. The whole genus Trichocereus is currently being revised…