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Echinopsis shaferi Yellow Ruffled! (Trichocereus / Soehrensia)

This cool plant is an Echinopsis shaferi / Trichocereus shaferi that I got through eBay, maybe 10-15 years ago. The plant was supposed to flower white, but ended up having an incredibly beautiful yellow flower that had a diameter of over 20 cm AND WAS RUFFLED. Perfect flower right there. The plant is incredibly fertile…

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Trichocereus tarijensis / Echinopsis tarijensis

Trichocereus tarijensis poco orurensis

The species trichocereus tarijensis, also known as Echinopsis tarijensis or Trichocereus poco, is a columnar cactus. Today it is separated through various subspecies that all count as part of Trichoereus tarijensis. Currently valid names Echinopsis tarijensis + Echinopsis tarijensis ssp. herzogiana / Trichocereus herzogianus Echinopsis tarijensis ssp. tarijensis / Trichocereus tarijensis Echinopsis tarijensis ssp. totorensis…

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