Crowdfunding Mission Successfully Completed!
Hi Guys, last week we successfully complete our Indiegogo Crowd funding campaign to fund the printing costs of my book TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP. The book will offer a complete overview of the Trichocereus species related to the San Pedro cactus and has hundreds of habitat photos and background information in it. Many people helped to get this book done or to get it funded and I thank you all a thousand times. I´ll pay you back by making a great book.
Now that the campaign is over I was given the chance to leave up the crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo for a few weeks in case anyone who did not have the money ready yet can still get a copy. There only is a very low number of copies available and at this point I do not know if I can fund another edition after those are sold out. So get them as long as I still have some. At this point there roughly are 60 hardcover copies and a few hundred softcover books available through Indiegogo. As long as there are perks (books) available, you can still buy a copy even though the campaign is over now. I will definitely pull the plug on the Indiegogo campaign website at a certain point in the next weeks so do not wait too long. All the books are numbered and strictly limited. You can find the link where you can buy a copy here:
The books will be shipped in July or August as soon as I get them from the printer. I want to make sure the quality is perfect and I will have two or three test prints to make sure the done book is how I want it to be.
Well yeah, thank you all for supporting this great project! It´s a dream come through and I promise you will have a lot of fun with this book!