Trichocereus angelesii, also known as Echinopsis angelesii or Echinopsis angelesiae, was originally described by Friedrich Ritter as a white flowering variety of Trichocereus strigosus / Trichocereus strigonus, until Kiesling publicized it under the name Trichocereus angelesii. Michelle Killen Check out two photos of Trichocereus strigonus in comparison The flower of Trichocereus angelesii The flower of…
Tag: Friedrich Ritter
Trichocereus glaucus – Echinopsis glauca
Trichocereus glaucus, also known as Echinopsis glauca, is a Peruvian Trichocereus species described by Friedrich Ritter. It might be synonymous with Trichocereus chalaensis, or at least related to it in some form. There are also Peruvianoids that are sold under this name and I occasionally encountered Trichocereus fulvilanus being sold under this name as well.…
Trichocereus riomizquensis RITTER (Echinopsis)
Trichocereus riomizquensis is a Bolivian Trichocereus species that is closely related to Trichocereus bridgesii. I count it as a close relative and potential regional form of Trichocereus bridgesii, which is only endemic to one site in Bolivia near the Rio Mizque.The species was discovered and described by the German cactus field botanist Friedrich Ritter, who…