Terscheckiinot (Peruvianus/Cuzcoensis)
This plant is from the breeder Shruman and I lack any substantial Information on the plant. I once got seed but unfortunately, the viability was not great so I did not get any adult plants from it. I would love to know more about it but currently, this pic is the only one I have and if anyone has this clone, please let me know and I´ll add some more pics or a description.
On the first look, I am inclinded to think that it is actually a Trichocereus Werdermannianus, which is most likely related to Trichocereus Taquimbalensis. The more I look at it, the more I think that this plant definitely shares some characteristics with Trichocereus Werdermannianus, such as the pale blue epidermis and the spination. If I see this correctly, its spines have a knobby base and a light touch of red, which would make it even more likely that it´s a Werdermannianus.
Nonetheless, I will keep it as Trichocereus cv. Terscheckiinot because thats the name it was given from Shruman. And I agree it definitely isnt a Trichocereus Terscheckii.
Buy seeds or plants: Just like I mentioned before, the only known source for this plant is Shruman. He sold or traded away seed of it but that was at least 2-3 years ago. Nonetheless, if you are interested in this type, you can make a post in the Trichocereus Facebook Group and maybe someone can help you. The pic came from Prier and I´ll ask him if he knows more about it.