Hi guys, today I wanted to give you a preview from our Trichocereus Facebook group called Trichocereus & Echinopsis growers worldwide. It is one of the oldest Trichocereus groups on Facebook and was funded sometime around 2014.
Photo: Jason Hollinger
After all these years, our Trichocereus Facebook group has almost 17.000 members and we´re getting bigger every year. In regards to the subjects and topics that are allowed, we are rather open to off-topic subjects or threads about other cactus genera such as Lophophora, Lobivia, Hildewintera, Pseudolobivia, Ariocarpus, Akersia and many others.There are lots of different threads with hundreds of Trichocereus photos per week.
You can find the group here: facebook.com/groups/trichocereus
The current Trichocereus Facebook seed giveaway in our Facebook group
To celebrate the Trichocereus Christmas spirit, we have organized an amazing seed giveaway this year. Below you can see a small selection of the seed prizes from our 2018 Trichocereus Facebook giveaway. There are many, many more Trichocereus seeds that you can get for free.
These seeds were donated by the family of Karel Knize, the Peruvian seed and plant collector who had just passed away, and we are very proud that we can pass them along to the community.
Trichocereus tarmaensis
Trichocereus longispinus
Trichocereus glaucus KK334
Trichocereus carmaensis
Trichocereus cuzcoensis KK242
Trichocereus KK1670
Trichocereus tacaquirensis
Trichocereus sp. ‘House’
Trichocereus tulhuayacensis
Armatocereus matucanensis
Armatocereus KK230
Armatocereus procerus
Cereus repandus
Selenicereus grandiflorus
Secret Santa Trichocereus Facebook Giveaway
In addition to the Trichocereus seed giveaway, we´ll also have a Secret Santa event where our members are gifiting each other with some cactus related gifts. So far we have over 40 participants who are participating, and we still leave it open for new members to join. We´ll probably pick the matching Santas in 10-14 days, and it´s definitely not too late to join.
Regular giveaways, events and Trichocereus Facebook and Echinopsis seed trades/sales
We are very welcoming when it´s about events or giveaway, and there´s lots of private members who run their own giveaway or events as well.
Australian Trichocereus clones and hybrids
We´re truly an international Trichocereus Facebook group, and a large part of our members are actually from Australia. Because of this, we see quite a fair share of Trichocereus Australia clones that are being posted in our group.
Members from all across the world Trichocereus Facebook
Due to the fact that there are so many different people in our Trichocereus & Echinopsis Facebook group, there are members from all over the world. We have members from Europe, the United States, Australia, India, Africa and and and. Having so many different people in our group provides our members with great insight into the lives of cactus growers worldwide.
Information about the best Fertilizer or Soil Recipes
A large part of the posts in our group discuss the best fertilizer for Trichocereus and Echinopsis, or look into the most unseful soil recipes and minerals that are best suited for Trichocereus. There´s lots of content available about Pumice, Lava, Coir and all the other additives needed by cactus growers.
Trichocereus Facebook Tissue Culture, Cytokinines and Plant Hormones
Due to the fact that some of our members are into Tissue culture and have extensive experience with it, there´s quite a few postings about it and how to do it right. Also, there´s many posts about other plant hormones that can be useful, e.g. BAP, GA-3 Gibberellic Acid, etc. All of these can be very useful if you know how to use them.
Trichocereus Facebook Pests and Disease Treatments
If your Trichocereus plants are sick, you can find answers about the pests and diseases that affect them in our group. We have threads about pretty much everything that can infect or attack a Tricho, for example Thrips, Root mealies, Fungus gnats, Nematodes, Bugs, Slugs, Snails, Virus infections like Tobacco Mosaic Virus and other viruses, Witches broom disease, etc
DNA Testing on the genus Trichocereus
During the last year, some of our members started organizing DNA testing on plants from the genus Trichocereus and we´ll try to bring in some of the results that we´ll hopefully have during the next years into my upcoming book THE GENUS TRICHOCEREUS. We´ll try to conduct tests on some of the rare species like Trichocereus orurensis, Trichocereus uyupampensis, Trichocereus riomizquensis, etc, to find out if they deserve to be seen as correct and sepparate names or not.
Insight into the production process of the books we make
I am posting regular updates about the book production process in our Facebook group, and pretty much all of the content and photos are shown there as well. If you enjoy the Trichocereus and Echinopsis books that we make, feel free to join our group to see how we´re making them.
Lots of colored flower hybrids and beautiful clones
We have lots of professional breeders in our midst, which is why there´s regular photos of beautiful Trichocereus, Echinopsis or Lobivia flowers to be seen in our group. There´s lots of unique and amazing hybrids like Flying Saucer, Orange California, Wörlitz, First Light, some of the MEX hybrids, hybrids like SUNNY and other hybrids like HELLFIRE, GOLDFISCH, ETC, lots of rare Pseudolobivia and Lobivia hybrids from Thailand and Asia such as BIT, BIV and all the other cool hybrid.s
So yeah, I hope I could give you a small preview of our group and how amazing it is. 😉 Hope to see you soon in our Facebook group.
Check out our main plant database pages for Trichocereus pachanoi aka Echinopsis pachanoi here:
And Trichocereus bridgesii here:
Trichocereus scopulicola
Also check out our Trichocereus Facebook group here:
Also make sure to join the newsletter at trichocereus.net/newsletter or follow us on Instagram.