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Trichocereus ‘J2’ (Echinopsis) Cactus Country

J2, Trichocereus ‘J2’ (Echinopsis) Cactus Country, - Cactus Seeds & Books!

J2 is a Trichocereus peruvianus hybrid from Cactus Country.

Just like the other J-hybrids, this clone comes from Cactus Country in Strathmerton, Australia. They were named after the owner Jim, who built an amazing collection filled with beautiful Trichos.

Most people call this an Echinopsis pachanoi, but I do not agree. The distance between the areoles and the flower indicate a Trichocereus peruvianus hybrid. If not as the mother, then as the father.The clone clone was propagated and distributed by SAB forum member PD, who still uses the J hybrids for hybrid cultivation. All of them, including the J2 are hybrids.

J1 = Trichocereus peruvianus / pachanoi hybrid. Apart from the long spines, it looks like a Tr. pachanoi.

J2 = Trichocereus peruvianus

J3 = Trichocereus peruvianus

JB = Trichocereus bridgesii

t pach J2

t pach J2 spines

J2, Trichocereus ‘J2’ (Echinopsis) Cactus Country, - Cactus Seeds & Books!

J2 in Cactus Country – Photo: Rodni Kisar

Check out our main plant database pages for Trichocereus pachanoi aka Echinopsis pachanoi here:

And Trichocereus bridgesii here:

Trichocereus scopulicola

Also check out our Trichocereus Facebook group here: