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Trichocereus Lookalikes

There are various columnar cacti that you can encounter. And though many look very much like Trichocereus on the first look, many of them actually aren’t. This page is about the many lookalikes that are available on the open market. Some of them are labeled “Trichocereus” and some of them aren’t. It includes many plants…

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Trichocereus pasacana – Echinopsis atacamensis ssp.pasacana

Trichocereus pascana, also known as Echinopsis atacamensis ssp.pasacana, is a columnar cactus that can be found growing throughout the Andes. Synonyms of Trichocereus pasacana: Helianthocereus pasacana, Cereus pasacana, Pilosocereus pasacana, Echinopsis atacamensis, Echinopsis rivierii, , Echinopsis formosima, Trichocereus atacamensis ssp.pasacana, Echinopsis pasacana Description: Trichocereus pasacana is a tree-like cactus that gets up to 10 meters…

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